Metal Casting Technology, Inc.

Metal Casting Technology, Inc., a General Motors Corporation and Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc. joint venture research and development company, is an outgrowth of Hitchiner's world-renowned Technical Center.

The goals of MCT are clearly defined by its operating charter: The purpose of the company is to generate useful new near-net-shape casting technology.

MCT's facilities include the basic requirements of investment casting and sand molding, as well as fully equipped ceramics and metallurgy laboratories for sample preparation and analysis. MCT's capabilities include: x-ray inspection, non-destructive testing, emissions spectrography, and metallography.

A high bay area is used for testing concepts and fabricating experimental and production casting machines. On-site heat treatment and finishing equipment allows the complete processing of castings used in the evaluation of new processes. Other specialized facilities, such as scanning electron microscopes, atomic absorption units and precision toolmaking, are available locally.

MCT's creative staff is comprised of more than 20 specially selected mechanical and metallurgical engineers and talented technicians.

Ongoing research into each phase of the production process, and into new materials and alloys, has resulted in many dramatic improvements in casting technology. These advancements have been recognized in awards from the Metallurgical Society and the American Foundryman's Society, and have resulted in the issuance of many new patents to MCT and its parent companies.

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